
Maximize to CEO pay schedule and the shareholder g-spot

Sahil Malik has a great post about The Graying Software Industry.  I have to say that two things popped out at me.  First, that I fall into the “Around 30” group of developers. And second, that I’m no longer the early 20’s techy that can “type type type for 18 hours” neither physically or in work practice.

We are like prostitutes, that joke has circled the internet for years, and when you work for a consulting company, or you do your own consulting, you better realize it on the first day.  If not you’ll get used and in a couple of years you will be the developer on the street corning looking all tired and desperate.

I loved Steven’s comment about “pay as little as you cant to maximise to CEO pay schedule and the shareholder g-spot”.  He’s right.  Project sponsors (CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and shareholders) want to something tangible today.  Youthful key bangers provide that.  Good projects don’t.