
Bricks and Sponges

I had a conversation the other day with Tom Opgenorth about the trends you see when you’re ending a contract with a client. Our experiences both show that during the life of a project the client will

Class naming

In the process of writing one of the chapters in the brownfield book, I started thinking about class naming. Some time ago I remember hearing someone saying that they didn’t much like the use of clas

NHibernate on WCF

Note that I have posted two follow up discussions on this along with a number of code changes. They can be found at: WCF and nHibernate redux A little more WCF NHibernate I know that there are a few

On this great day...

The majority of Canadians will be celebrating Canada Day and the creation of our country. Lost on the majority of the population is that July 1st also marks a day of great sacrifice. On this day in

Announcing the ALT.NET Canada Conference

For the last half a year a group of us (Bil, James, Dave, Terry, Justice, Greg and Kyle) have been organizing the first ALT.NET conference in Canada and today, on Canada Day no less, we are announci

DotNetRocks Brownfield episode

Kyle Baley and I did an interview with Carl and Richard recently where we talked about ecosystems in the context of a brownfield application. Show #354 was published this morning and can be found her

Communication Waste

For the last few months I’ve been on a steady mission to absorb as much about lean software development as I can. This morning I got up and decided to enjoy the morning air, slight breeze, my Zune an

Separation of Concerns

I know this has been beaten to death in some circles (521,000 results in Google, 2,551 results in Google’s blog search), but it bears repeating until people start paying it some attention. Separation

Overloaded Methods as WCF OperationContracts

Interesting find today. It is possible to create a WCF Service Contract that has overloaded methods on it. The compiler doesn’t complain at all. You can even attribute both as [OperationContract] an

Great Indian Developer Summit wrapup

Right after the completion of DevTeach in Toronto, I hopped a plane to India to present at the inaugural Great Indian Developer Summit being put on by Saltmarch Media. First let’s say that the flight